As I did today’s brown rice, I thought about what would go well with it and came uo with this broccoli in tomato sauce. In my opinion, brown rice pairs with many flavors, especially dishes that have some moisture and juice to mix in with the rice. We had broccoli in the fridge, so this gave the line of thought for what to cook it with. I picked a can of diced tomatoes, some garlic, a large yellow onion, and started the dish. As it was in the middle of cooking, I tasted it. I don’t this all the time, but it’s good practice: you know if something is missing. It felt that a bit of ground cumin would add to the flavor and balance the otherwise acidic taste of the broccoli, tomato and onion on their own. I thought that olive oil would also be a perfect match to balance the acidity and round up the taste, but I always put it at the end, so I waited for this.
The dish came together well enough to post this recipe. My son Alex and I ate this lunch, as Layla drove Marc to his soccer tournament. To accompany the broccoli, here are the recipes for the brown rice and the soft-boiled egg.
How to cook a tasteful brown rice
French style soft boiled eggs on the shell

Broccoli in tomato sauce
- 2.5 lbs broccoli
- 1 yellow onion
- 1 can diced tomatoes
- 10 garlic cloves
- 0.25 cup water
- 0.25 cup avocado oil
- 1 tbsp ground cumin
- Salt and pepper Optional
- Olive oil Add at the end once served on the plate
- Cut the broccoli, garlic and onion into small pieces. If you are using the broccoli stems, slice them thinly and placing them first to cook as they take longer than the sprouts.
- Place the diced tomatoes into a large pan and heat to high.
- Add the onion, broccoli, avocado oil, water, cumin, garlic, and optional salt and pepper. Cook for 25 minutes while stirring occasionally.
- Serve immediately as a main dish or side. Add olive oil to the plate for added flavors.

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