A discussion on the ambiguous meaning of this term and how to avoid culture preventing evolution, just because that’s the way it’s always been done.
Grasping the notion of time
A post on the notion of time, discussing how our perception can vary, and ways to experience its passing through instruments and meditation.
Why is depression a taboo subject?
This week the World Health Organization issued a release on the fact that more people feel depressed and that it’s somewhat of a taboo subject. Let’s talk.
How I meditate while doing sports
How to meditate through sport. Simple methods to use physical exercise as a way to attain mental clarity and meditation.
On gardening
Voltaire writes in Candide “All this is well said but we must cultivate our garden”. It is of course not about gardens. Or is it?
Democracy means inequality within reason
Inequality beats equality in terms of how the system rewards. Equality is about rights. Democracy does not mean communism. It means having inequalities that aren’t despicable to watch.